KOHJIN Life Sciences Co.,Ltd.
To comply with laws, regulations, and other norms relating to the protection of the personal information of customers, business partners, and other parties that is used in business operations, we have established independent rules and systems and will endeavor to protect personal information based on the policy set out below.
- Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire personal information by fair and lawful means and will never acquire it by unfair means. At the time of acquiring personal information, we will identify the purposes of use. - Use of Personal Information
We will use the personal information acquired within the scope of the purposes of collection and to the extent necessary for business operations. We will never use any personal information for any purpose other than those identified at the time of collection. - Offering and Other Use of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not contract with any third party to handle personal information acquired or jointly use or offer personal information acquired with any third party without obtaining the consent of the individual to whom the information pertains; provided, however, that this does not apply where it is necessary to make disclosure in response to a request from government authorities or otherwise to fulfill the obligations stipulated by law or regulation. Even if we obtain prior consent on the offering of personal information to third parties for the commissioning of operations or for joint use from the individual to whom the information pertains, we will take appropriate measures to ensure the proper handling of the personal information offered and the maintenance of confidentiality. - Management of Personal Information and System
We will appoint a personal information administrator to keep personal information correct and to manage it in a secure manner, and will establish relevant regulations and detailed rules. We will also make these regulations and rules known to our employees. - Inquiries about Personal Information
We acknowledge that individuals to whom personal information pertains have the right to disclosure, correction, discontinuation of use, deletion, and other procedures pertaining to their personal information. We will respond swiftly to requests for these procedures through our Contact Center.